
We provide a way for you to forward logs to our platform so that we can provide analytics on bot traffic and more. While this is optional in setting up your Tollbit integration, this could provide a great way to consolidate your logs and gain fast insights about what your bot traffic looks like.


Follow these steps to set up an integration into our platform if you use Fastly.

Create a new Logging Configuration

Go to your Fastly Dashboard and pick the correct domain. Click “Edit Configuration”, and clone your current configuration. This saves a new configuration version as a draft, and allows you to rollback if necessary. This should bring you to a new screen. On the sidebar, scroll down until you see Logging and click on that. Then, click “Create Endpoint”.

Configure your logs to be sent to our logging endpoint

Find the HTTP logging endpoint and click “Create endpoint”. You can set the name to anything descriptive (e.g. tollbit-prod). Keep the placement option as the default selection. Make sure your log format is exactly as follows, without extra trailing spaces or newlines:

{ "timestamp": "%{strftime(\{"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"\}, time.start)}V", "geo_country": "%{client.geo.country_name}V", "geo_city": "%{client.geo.city}V", "geo_postal_code":"%{client.geo.postal_code}V", "geo_latitude":"%{client.geo.latitude}V", "geo_longitude":"%{client.geo.longitude}V", "host": "%{if(req.http.Fastly-Orig-Host, req.http.Fastly-Orig-Host, req.http.Host)}V", "url": "%{json.escape(req.url)}V", "request_method": "%{json.escape(req.method)}V", "request_protocol": "%{json.escape(req.proto)}V", "request_referer": "%{json.escape(req.http.referer)}V", "request_user_agent": "%{json.escape(req.http.User-Agent)}V", "request_latency":"%{time.elapsed.usec}V", "response_state": "%{json.escape(fastly_info.state)}V", "response_status": %{std.itoa(resp.status)}V, "response_reason": %{if(resp.response, "%22"+json.escape(resp.response)+"%22", "null")}V, "response_body_size": %{resp.body_bytes_written}V, "fastly_server": "%{json.escape(server.identity)}V", "fastly_is_edge": %{if(fastly.ff.visits_this_service == 0, "true", "false")}V }

Finally, set the URL to https://log.tollbit.com/log.

Ensure that your Requests are Authenticated

Go into Advanced Options and set the “Custom header name” field to “TollbitKey”. You must set the customer header value to your secret key. Log into your TollBit portal and go into the API key tab and copy your secret key. Paste it into the “Custom header value” field with no trailing spaces. Keep all the other settings as default, scroll to the bottom, and save.

Once you are ready to publish these changes, click the “Activate” button. Keep in mind that if you have other unpublished changes in Fastly, this may also publish those as well.


We provide a way for all CloudFlare customers, regardless of plan, to forward HTTP logs to our platform for analytics. We recommend this method over others like LogPush as CloudFlare Enterprise is not required to create workers, and you have much more control over how logs are sent.

Create new Worker

If you already have an existing worker that is intercepting requests for your site, or you already set up a worker in the Bot Deterrence section, you will need to integrate this logging code with that worker. If you just have a bot deterrence worker set up, see that section to get a code snippet that also pushes logs.

Log into your CloudFlare Dashboard and go to the "Workers & Pages" section on the left bar.

Click "Create application", and then "Create Worker". This will take you to a screen where you can name your worker and see the initial code that it will be running. Set the name to something TollBit related, and click deploy. We will be modifying the worker code shortly.

Updating the Worker Code

Once your worker has finished deploying, click "Edit code".

In the worker.js file, delete everything and copy the following code over exactly, making sure to replace YOUR_SECRET_KEY_HERE with the secret key you can find in your portal.

const CF_APP_VERSION = '1.0.0'

const tollbitLogEndpoint = "https://log.tollbit.com/log";
const tollbitToken = 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY_HERE'

const sleep = ms => {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(resolve, ms)

const makeid = length => {
  let text = ""
  const possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
  for (let i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
    text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length))
  return text

const buildLogMessage = (request, response) => {
  const logObject = {
    timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
    client_ip: '', // worker only is able to get cloudflare edge IP, leaving blank
    geo_country: request.cf["country"],
    geo_city: request.cf["city"],
    geo_postal_code: request.cf["postalCode"],
    geo_latitude: request.cf["latitude"],
    geo_longitude: request.cf["longitude"],
    host: request.headers.get("host"),
    url: request.url.replace("https://" + request.headers.get("host"), ""),
    request_method: request.method,
    request_protocol: request.cf["httpProtocol"],
    request_user_agent: request.headers.get("user-agent"),
    request_latency: null, // cloudflare does not have latency information
    response_state: null,
    response_status: response.status,
    response_reason: response.statusText,
    response_body_size: response.contentLength
  return logObject;

// Batching
const BATCH_INTERVAL_MS = 20000 // 20 seconds
const MAX_REQUESTS_PER_BATCH = 500 // 500 logs
const WORKER_ID = makeid(6)

let workerTimestamp

let batchTimeoutReached = true
let logEventsBatch = []

// Backoff
const BACKOFF_INTERVAL = 10000
let backoff = 0

async function addToBatch(body, event) {

  if (logEventsBatch.length >= MAX_REQUESTS_PER_BATCH) {

  return true

async function handleRequest(event) {
  const { request } = event

  const response = await fetch(request)
  const rCf = request.cf
  delete rCf.tlsClientAuth
  delete rCf.tlsExportedAuthenticator

  const eventBody = buildLogMessage(request, response)
    addToBatch(eventBody, event),

  return response

const fetchAndSetBackOff = async (lfRequest, event) => {
  if (backoff <= Date.now()) {
    const resp = await fetch(tollbitLogEndpoint, lfRequest)
    if (resp.status === 403 || resp.status === 429) {
      backoff = Date.now() + BACKOFF_INTERVAL


  return true

const postBatch = async event => {
  const batchInFlight = [...logEventsBatch.map((e) => JSON.stringify(e))]
  logEventsBatch = []
  const body = batchInFlight.join('\n')
  const request = {
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
      "TollbitKey": `${tollbitToken}`,
      "Content-Type": "application/json"
  event.waitUntil(fetchAndSetBackOff(request, event))

const scheduleBatch = async event => {
  if (batchTimeoutReached) {
    batchTimeoutReached = false
    await sleep(BATCH_INTERVAL_MS)
    if (logEventsBatch.length > 0) {
    batchTimeoutReached = true
  return true

addEventListener("fetch", event => {

  if (!workerTimestamp) {
    workerTimestamp = new Date().toISOString()


Hit "Save and deploy" on the upper righthand corner once you are finished.

Link worker to CloudFlare HTTP Logs

Go to "Websites" on the left pane and choose the website that you would like to forward logs for, and click into it. On the left panel, click into "Worker Routes", and then click "Add route". Set the route to *.<your_site.com>/*, or a custom path if you only want to forward logs for certain URL patterns. Under workers, choose the worker that you just created.

Once you are ready, click "Save", and you are all set!


We provide a way for all Akamai customers to stream logs to our platform.

Create a Stream with DataStream 2

You will need to first create a stream by going to your Akamai Control Center. Follow these instructions on how to create your stream.

Choose Data Parameters

When choosing data parameters, make sure to parameters that cover at least everything in following sample log JSON. Also, please ensure that your log format is JSON.

  "version": 1,
  "streamId": "12345",
  "cp": "123456",
  "reqId": "1239f220",
  "reqTimeSec": "1573840000",
  "bytes": "4995",
  "cliIP": "",
  "statusCode": "206",
  "proto": "HTTPS",
  "reqHost": "test.hostname.net",
  "reqMethod": "GET",
  "reqPath": "/path1/path2/file.ext",
  "reqPort": "443",
  "rspContentLen": "5000",
  "rspContentType": "text/html",
  "UA": "Mozilla%2F5.0+%28Macintosh%3B+Intel+Mac+OS+X+10_14_3%29",
  "tlsOverheadTimeMSec": "0",
  "tlsVersion": "TLSv1",
  "objSize": "484",
  "uncompressedSize": "484",
  "overheadBytes": "232",
  "totalBytes": "0",
  "queryStr": "param=value",
  "breadcrumbs": "//BC/%5Ba=,c=g,k=0,l=1%5D",
  "accLang": "en-US",
  "cookie": "cookie-content",
  "range": "37334-42356",
  "referer": "https%3A%2F%2Ftest.referrer.net%2Fen-US%2Fdocs%2FWeb%2Ftest",
  "xForwardedFor": "",
  "maxAgeSec": "3600",
  "reqEndTimeMSec": "3",
  "errorCode": "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED|fwd_acl",
  "turnAroundTimeMSec": "11",
  "transferTimeMSec": "125",
  "dnsLookupTimeMSec": "50",
  "lastByte": "1",
  "country": "IN",
  "state": "Virginia",
  "city": "HERNDON"

Stream to Endpoint

To forward your logs to us, follow the steps outlined here. The endpoint url that you should be streaming to is https://log.tollbit.com/log/akamai.

Select none for authentication for now, as we will be setting up custom authentication. To do so, go to "Custom header". For the content type, you can select application/json. Add a new header value with the key TollbitKey and the value as your secret key from your dashboard.

Finally, you can review and activate your stream!

Other Logging Methods

We support other methods of log ingestion besides the integrations that we listed above.

Log Sink Forwarding

You can forward your logs to our log sink endpoint at https://log.tollbit.com/log as long as you include the header TollbitKey and set the value to your secret key in your dashboard. The logs must conform to the following JSON format. Not all fields are required, but we need at least the timestamp, host, url, request_user_agent, and response_status.

  timestamp: string, // can be ISO 8601 format or unix timestamp
  geo_country: string,
  geo_city: string,
  geo_postal_code: string,
  geo_latitude: float,
  geo_longitude: float,
  host: string,
  url: string,
  request_method: string,
  request_protocol: string,
  request_user_agent: string,
  request_latency: int/string,
  response_state: string,
  response_status: int/string,
  response_reason: string,
  response_body_size: int/string

When streaming the logs to the endpoint, please ensure that you are batching logs as much as possible. Each log be a single line, and should be newline separated from the other logs.

Ingesting from file storage

We are currently able to support log ingestion from S3, R2 and GCS. Please ensure that your log files are prefixed by date and time, and that the logs within the files are in JSON format (ideally as similar to the above as possible), and each log is a single line and all logs are newline separated. Please contact us at team@tollbit.com to set up this pipeline for you.

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